A comprehensive set of tools guide survey teams through every step of the MICS process – from overall planning, design and data collection in the field to data processing, analysis, interpretation, documentation and dissemination.

design survey
Guidelines and templates facilitate planning and design of surveys and help avoid pitfalls in implementation

MICS 7 tools are still in development, please refer to MICS 6 tools in the interim.

Planning the survey

MICS7 Survey Planning Tools

Memorandum of Understanding

English 7.1.1  French 7.1.1  Spanish 7.1.1  Arabic 7.1.1  

Russian 7.1.1 

Memorandum of Understanding - Appendix Technical Collaboration

English 7.1.1  French 7.1.1  Spanish 7.1.1  Arabic 7.1.1  

Russian 7.1.1 

Terms of Reference Template for Steering Committee 

English 7.1  French 7.1  Spanish 7.1  Arabic 7.1  Russian 7.1

Terms of Reference Template for Technical Committee

English 7.1  French 7.1  Spanish 7.1  Arabic 7.1  Russian 7.1

Terms of Reference for National MICS Consultant Template

English 7.1.1  French 7.1.1  Spanish 7.1.1  Arabic 7.1.1

Russian 7.1.1

Survey Plan Template

English 7.2  French 7.2  Spanish 7.2  Arabic 7.2  Russian 7.2

Survey Plan - Appendix A Budget Calculations Template

English 7.1.3  French 7.1.3  Spanish 7.1.3  Arabic 7.1.3

Russian 7.1.3

Survey Plan - Appendix B Protection Protocol

English 7.1.3  French 7.1.3  Spanish 7.1.3  Arabic 7.1.3

Russian 7.1.3

Listing and Fieldwork Duration, Staff and Supply Estimates Template

English 7.1  French 7.1  Spanish 7.1  Arabic 7.1  Russian 7.1

Procurement instructions for recommended equipment and software

English 7.1  French 7.1  Spanish 7.1  Arabic 7.1  Russian 7.1


Sampling and mapping

MICS7 Sampling Tools
Sample Size Calculation Template

English 7.1  French 7.1  Spanish 7.1  Arabic  7.1  Russian 7.1

Manual for Mapping and Household Listing

English 7.1  French 7.1  Arabic 7.1  Russian 7.1

Systematic Random Selection of Households Template

English 7.1  French 7.1  Arabic 7.1  Russian 7.1

Sample Weight Calculation Template

English 7.1  French 7.1  Spanish 7.1  Arabic 7.1  Russian 7.1

Cluster Displacement Tool
How to install the MICS Geocode Plugin

English 1.2  Spanish 1.2

MICS Geocode Plugin 

English 1.2

How to use the MICS Geocode Plugin

English 1.2  Spanish 1.2


Questionnaires and indicator list

MICS7 List of Indicators and Questionnaire Topics

Indicators and Definitions

English 7.2.6  French 7.1.9  Spanish 7.1.9  Arabic 7.1.4

Russian 7.1.9

Questionnaire Topics

English 7.2.3  French 7.1.9  Spanish 7.1.9  Arabic 7.1.7

Russian 7.1.9


MICS7 Base Questionnaires

Household Questionnaire

English 7.1.19  French 7.1.10  Spanish 7.1.10  Arabic 7.1.8

Russian 7.1.10

Questionnaire for Women

English 7.1.22  French 7.1.17  Spanish 7.1.17  Arabic 7.1.11

Russian 7.1.17

Questionnaire for Men

English 7.1.8  French 7.1.6  Spanish 7.1.6  Arabic 7.1.2

Russian 7.1.6

Questionnaire for Children Under Five

English 7.2.2  French 7.1.8  Spanish 7.1.8  Arabic 7.1.3

Russian 7.1.8

Questionnaire for Children and Adolescents Age 5-17

English 7.2.1  French 7.1.13  Spanish 7.1.13  Arabic 7.1.8

Russian 7.1.13

Water Quality Testing Form

English 7.1.4  French 7.1.3  Spanish 7.1.3  Arabic 7.1.2

Russian 7.1.3

Facility Based Records of Vaccinations Form

English 7.1.5  French 7.1.3  Spanish 7.1.3  Arabic 7.1.3

Russian 7.1.3

Guidelines for the Customisation of MICS7 Questionnaires

English 7.2.1  French 7.1.3  Spanish 7.1.3  Russian 7.1.3



MICS7 Complementary Questionnaire Topics

Adult Functioning

English 7.1.1  French 7.1  Spanish 7.1  Arabic 7.1  Russian 7.1

Anthropometry [5-9]

English 7.1  French 7.1  Spanish 7.1  Arabic 7.1  Russian 7.1

Attitudes Toward Domestic Violence

English 7.1  French 7.1  Spanish 7.1  Arabic 7.1  Russian 7.1

Birth Registration

English 7.1  French 7.1  Spanish 7.1  Arabic 7.1  Russian 7.1

Care-seeking and Treatment of Symptoms of ARI

English 7.1.1  French 7.1.1  Spanish 7.1.1  Arabic 7.1

Russian 7.1.1

Care-seeking and Treatment of Diarrhoea

English 7.1.2  French 7.1.1  Spanish 7.1.1  Arabic 7.1

Russian 7.1.1

Child Functioning

Included in Base Questionnaires

Employment and Training

English 7.1.2  French 7.1  Spanish 7.1  Arabic 7.1  Russian 7.1


English 7.1  French 7.1  Arabic 7.1  Russian 7.1

Food Insecurity Experience

English 7.1  French 7.1  Spanish 7.1  Arabic 7.1  Russian 7.1

Health Insurance

English 7.1.1  French 7.1.1  Spanish 7.1.1  Arabic 7.1.1

Russian 7.1.1

Household Energy Use

English 7.1.2  French 7.1.1  Spanish 7.1.1  Arabic 7.1.1

Russian 7.1.1

Household Involvement in Education

English 7.1


English 7.1  French 7.1  Spanish 7.1  Arabic 7.1  Russian 7.1

Infant and Young Child Feeding 

English 7.1.2  French 7.1.1  Spanish 7.1.1  Arabic 7.1.1

Russian 7.1.1


English 7.1.1  French 7.1.1  Spanish 7.1.1  Arabic 7.1.1

Russian 7.1.1

Maternal Mortality

English 7.1.1  French 7.1  Spanish 7.1  Arabic 7.1  Russian 7.1

Menstrual Health and Hygiene

English 7.1.2  French 7.1  Spanish 7.1  Arabic 7.1  Russian 7.1

Mental Health



English 7.1  French 7.1  Spanish 7.1  Arabic 7.1  Russian 7.1

Multidimensional Poverty



English 7.1.2  French 7.1  Spanish 7.1  Arabic 7.1  Russian 7.1

Postnatal and Newborn Care

English 7.1.3  French 7.1.2  Spanish 7.1.2  Arabic 7.1.2

Russian 7.1.1

Reproductive Care

English 7.1.4  French 7.1  Spanish 7.1  Arabic 7.1  Russian 7.1

Safety and Discrimination

English 7.1.2  French 7.1.1  Spanish 7.1.1  Arabic 7.1.1

Russian 7.1.1

Social Transfers

English 7.1.3  French 7.1.2  Spanish 7.1.2  Arabic 7.1.2

Russian 7.1.1


English 7.1.2  French 7.1.1  Spanish 7.1.1  Arabic 7.1.1

Russian 7.1.1

Tobacco Use 

English 7.1  French 7.1  Spanish 7.1  Arabic 7.1  Russian 7.1

Violence Against Women




Preparing for fieldwork

MICS7 Fieldwork Preparation Tools

Pre-test Report Template and CAPI Test Checklist

English 7.1  French 7.1  Spanish 7.1  Russian 7.1

Main Fieldwork Training - Recommendations and Template Agenda 





collect data
Fieldwork teams are trained and deployed to sampled clusters of households

MICS 7 tools are still in development, please refer to MICS 6 tools in the interim.

Conducting fieldwork

Monitoring fieldwork

process data
Manuals explain step-by-step how data should be processed and edited; programs and templates are provided for entering, editing and tabulating data

MICS 7 tools are still in development, please refer to MICS 6 tools in the interim.

Standard MICS CAPI applications

Manual and data editing guidelines

Once all data are edited and considered ready for analysis, computer programs advance the process to the final results phase

MICS 7 tools are still in development, please refer to MICS 6 tools in the interim.

Tabulation plan

SPSS syntax files

write report
Templates are provided for the survey findings report and statistical snapshots

MICS 7 tools are still in development, please refer to MICS 6 tools in the interim.

Model reports

Guidance on creating statistical snapshots

Statistical snapshots