MICS Plus Results

MICS Plus results are released through various dissemination materials and tools listed below, and countries can choose to prepare all or some of those.

  • Online dashboards and Snapshots that highlight the key findings of each wave of the survey and trend data for specific indicators of interest. Dashboards are regularly updated over time as new data are collected.

  • Tables in Excel format for each wave of data collection with all findings disaggregated by area of residence, age, sex, education, wealth index, and other relevant stratifiers depending on the data collected.

  • Short briefs on key findings and/or main messages from each wave of the data collection.

  • Analytical reports at the end of the survey with analysis of all findings collected during the survey implementation, emphasizing longitudinal data.

In addition to materials presenting findings from each wave of the data collection, anonymized datasets are made available after every three waves of the data collection, including the guidance document on how to use datasets.